Tuesday, 19 October 2010

another WindowsPhone7 app - My Level

Can you survive without a level? I can't so I did MY LEVEL for WP7. It has a usefull and simple calibration tool. You don't need a perfect leveled surface to caliber it, just a plane enough one, it will do the rest.

here the link to the app: My Level

Friday, 15 October 2010

First RunningPixel's WindowsPhone7 app

First app is published!
It isn't The No Button Game that had some little problems with the certification process (nothing major, it is in process again), it is a whole new thing I hope you will find useful.

I'm proud to announce you that STEP COUNTER is born!
It is the first step counter for WP7, usefull when jogging or during a walk. It counts every step you make and reports you the overrall number of steps, and the average. It makes use of the accelerometer to detect the steps.

Here is some screenshots and the icons.

if you own an WP7 here's the link to download it (via Zune):

Monday, 11 October 2010

First WindowsPhone7 edition images

First pictures of the The No Button Game WP7 edition running on an WP7 LG phone.

The game works in three modes:

Touch Mode: jumo and run by touching the phone screen
Tap Mode: play with the phone on a table and tapping near the phone.
Shake Mode: shake the phone to jump and run (new!!!)